Thinking of Downsizing - Here are Some Useful Tips!


Moving into a smaller home may be awkward at first, especially when you are used to having more room. If it seems like now is the right time to downsize, here are some helpful tips to help ensure it is a smooth transition. 


One of the most complex parts of downsizing is paring down the amount of "stuff" you plan to bring to your new home. Decluttering is a great start to getting your move headed in the right direction. Sort the things you want to donate, keep, or sell first. Consider putting the items you are unsure about into self-storage rather than bring them into your new home. 


When you are ready to unpack and get organized, start unpacking with the closest areas first. By establishing an organized storage plan right from the start, you can begin life in your new home uncluttered. 


There are benefits to keeping your new home's floor space open. Since you will have a reduced amount of square footage, open floors offer more flexibility. For example, you can alter your rooms' layouts by moving furniture and accessories around as needed for activities. 

You Even if you are healthy and able-bodied right now, growing older often brings mobility concerns. By sticking with open traffic areas, you will also reduce slipping and tripping hazards. 


When you're ready to decorate, try blending some of your new furnishings with old ones. You might have to part with the king-sized bed and the overstuffed sofa, but incorporating a few pieces from your old house will help you keep your space familiar. Try putting out some plants, hanging wall art, or adding new window treatments to help you get settled in. Opt for lightweight and light-colored window treatments to help your rooms feel sunny and airy. Try keeping your walls in light colors to make spaces feel bright and open as well.

Settling into a new, smaller home can be a challenging transition. However, if you cut down on clutter, opt for an open arrangement and keep innovative strategies in mind when organizing and decorating, your downsize will feel like the perfect fit!

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